What is a Dental Check-Up?

What is a Dental Check-Up?

Along with practicing good oral hygiene techniques like daily flossing and brushing, you can help protect your overall oral health by scheduling routine dental check-ups. Ideally, you'll go to your dental check-up every six months or more if your dentist recommends it. What to Expect at Your Dental Check-Up Usually, you'll have a dental hygienist and a dentist performing your check-up. Not every visit for a check-up goes the same way, but you'll typically have: Cleaning and Polishing ... +Read More
Why Visit a Dental Clinic in Donvale

Why Visit a Dental Clinic in Donvale

When you think of dental clinics, you may think that all they entail is getting your teeth cleaned. However, a dentist in Donvale does a lot more than simply polishing your teeth when you schedule a visit. Having regular visits to a dental clinic in Donvale are very important because it allows your dentist to: Catch Bad Breath or Dry Mouth - If you have something that causes bad breath or dry mouth, your dentist can catch it. Once they do, they can set up a treatment plan. Catch Earl... +Read More

Treatments for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in Melbourne

Sleep apnoea is a sleep disorder that interrupts a person's breathing during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnoea cease breathing many times during the sleep cycle. This deprives their brain and body of much-needed oxygen. Most cases of sleep apnoea are easily managed with custom oral appliances. At Holistic Dental Donvale, we are licensed and experienced to treat sleep apnoea in Donvale and the surrounds. What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? Sleep apnoea is classified into two subgroups:... +Read More

Modern Cosmetic Dentistry in Melbourne

Looking for a reliable, effective cosmetic dentist in Melbourne? You're not alone. Cosmetic Dentistry can recreate a tooth or remove minor blemishes in your smile. These procedures are purely aesthetic and yet they have a huge impact on the patient's life. A new smile can have a dramatic effect on one's self-confidence. That's why cosmetic dentistry is so popular in Australia. Holistic Dentist Donvale is a trusted cosmetic dentist in Melbourne. Our team likes to stay up-to-date on indu... +Read More

Tips for Finding Children’s Dentistry in Melbourne and Donvale

Whether your child has a gummy grin, has a few open gaps where baby teeth have started falling out, or is already sporting a mouth full of beautiful pearly white teeth, dental care is important from an early age and in every stage in life beyond. Children are unique and they are your pride and joy, so we understand that finding a dental professional that not only mum and dad approve of, but that your child approves of is of the utmost importance to you. Going to the dentist can be scary f... +Read More
4 Benefits of Dental Implants in Melbourne and Donvale

4 Benefits of Dental Implants in Melbourne and Donvale

Think of all the things in life that make you smile or laugh – your family, a hobby you enjoy, that great joke your co-worker told last week. The list could go on. And what physical part of your body is the centre of this smile? Your mouth – or more specifically, your teeth. This is something that you probably notice pretty soon after meeting people and they likely notice the same on you. Because of this, feeling confident in your smile contributes to feeling confident in your o... +Read More
Holistic Donvale dental treatments everyone can benefit from

Holistic Donvale dental treatments everyone can benefit from

At Holistic Dental in Donvale, we prefer to take a different approach to dentistry. Although we use conventional treatments, we focus on those that work with our patients’ bodies rather than against them. If this is a concept that’s new to you, we’re going to explain how holistic dentistry works and the types of treatments you can benefit from. First, what is holistic dentistry? Holistic dentistry is a concept that started in 1978. After years of using harmful substances such as BPA ... +Read More
Reasons to Choose Holistic Dental in Donvale

Reasons to Choose Holistic Dental in Donvale

Taking good care of your mouth, including your teeth, is one of the best things you can do for your health. Most people already use everyday dental care, but are they getting the optimal results for their teeth? Are they effectively taking care of their oral health? Although lots of conventional dental treatments are safe and kind to the body, some are not. This is something that holistic dental practitioners recognise. Accessing holistic dental care in Donvale means you’re working with... +Read More
Surprising Habits that Could Damage Your Teeth

Surprising Habits that Could Damage Your Teeth

We all know that eating sugary foods and drinks is bad for our teeth. But you may be surprised to know that some of your everyday habits are damaging your teeth. Brushing Your Teeth Straight After Breakfast Of course, you don’t want to start the day without a minty white smile, but brushing your teeth immediately after eating in the morning could be doing your teeth more harm than good. When you eat, the acid levels in your mouth rise and brushing at this stage can weaken your tooth e... +Read More
Top Reasons to Get Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings

Top Reasons to Get Regular Dental Checkups and Cleanings

You probably already know that you should visit your dentist every six months, but if you’re not in pain and don’t have any obvious signs of tooth decay, it can be tempting to put off your checkups. It’s not a great idea waiting until you have a problem before visiting the dentist. Scheduling regular checkups and cleanings is one of the best ways you can keep your teeth healthy. Here are some reasons why. Your Dentist at Holistic Dental Donvale Can Spot Early Signs of Tooth Decay ... +Read More