5 Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Sleep Apnoea Treatment in Donvale

Sleep apnoea is a common sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing periodically during sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and a host of other health issues.

The most common treatment for sleep apnoea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which involves wearing a mask connected to a machine that delivers a steady stream of air to keep the airway open. However, while CPAP is the gold standard for treating sleep apnoea, dental treatment may be a more comfortable and convenient option for some patients.

Dental treatment for sleep Apnoea in Donvale involves the use of oral appliances (aka mandibular advancement devices) to treat mild-to-moderate cases. These sleep apnoea treatment devices are custom-made to fit the patient’s mouth and work by repositioning the lower jaw forward to keep the airway open during sleep.

Aside from using the recommended oral appliance, there are some self-care tips you can practise to make the most out of your sleep apnoea treatment:

1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality and reduce the severity of sleep apnoea symptoms. You should aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3-4 days a week. Examples of exercises you can do include jogging, walking and cycling.

2. Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight increases one’s risk of suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea. Achieving a healthy weight can help reduce or eliminate excess fat deposits in the neck that obstruct the airway, thereby relieving the constriction you may be feeling in your throat.

3. Avoid alcohol, certain medications and smoking.

Taking alcohol, sleeping pills, and tranquilisers can interfere with your breathing as they work by relaxing the muscles at the back of the throat. Smoking, meanwhile, can irritate the nose and throat and may contribute to swelling in the air passage.

4. Create a sleep-friendly environment.

Make sure your bedroom is a haven for sleep with comfortable bedding and the optimum temperature. The Sleep Foundation recommends setting the thermostat or room temperature between 15.6 and 19.4 degrees Celsius (60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit) for restful sleep. Also, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals before bedtime can help improve sleep quality.

5. Follow a regular sleep schedule.

Establish a regular sleep schedule and stick to it, even on weekends. By maintaining a regular sleep schedule, you can help regulate your body’s internal clock and improve the quality of your sleep.

Maximise your treatment for sleep Apnoea in Donvale

Patients can make the most out of their sleep Apnoea treatment by adopting self-care habits that work to complement their therapy.

This includes exercising regularly, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding substances that can interfere with sleep, creating a sleep-friendly environment and following a regular sleep schedule.  For more details contact us now !!!


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