Taking good care of your mouth, including your teeth, is one of the best things you can do for your health. Most people already use everyday dental care, but are they getting the optimal results for their teeth? Are they effectively taking care of their oral health?

Holistic Dental Donvale

Although lots of conventional dental treatments are safe and kind to the body, some are not. This is something that holistic dental practitioners recognise. Accessing holistic dental care in Donvale means you’re working with your body, rather than against it. If this is a concept you’re yet to explore, it’s time to learn more about why you should choose these types of treatment.

You avoid amalgam fillings

One of the primary reasons behind the development of holistic dental care was the concern over amalgam fillings. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury, and as mercury is a toxic compound that can damage the nervous system, some dentists soon began to challenge their use on public safety grounds. This resulted in the Holistic Dental Association forming in 1978.

Holistic Dental in Donvale prefers the use of non-amalgam fillings. Instead, patients benefit from composite resin, which is a blend of safe plastics and microscopic glass fibres. Composite resin is usually more popular on an aesthetic basis too. As it’s white, it’s closer to the natural colour of your teeth, making them less obvious.

Preventing less invasive care further down the line

Most dentists prefer preventative rather than reactive care. They like to address problems early on to stop their patients progressing to the stage where they need something more intense.

The overall ethos of Holistic Dental in Donvale is to prevent you from needing intensive therapies. We look at your state of wellness as a whole and recognise the impact that your mouth has on the rest of your health. For example, if you use a holistic dentist to treat plaque, they won’t use tools that risk pushing bad bacteria further into your body. They’ll focus on treatments that achieve the desired result while considering your overall health.

Holistic dentistry prioritises the use of materials that work well with your body too. In addition to abandoning amalgam fillings, we use BPA-free tools and substances as a part of your dental care. By bringing our treatments closer to nature, we help you enjoy the best of both holistic and conventional dentistry.

If you believe that holistic dental care is right for you, we’re ready to welcome you as a patient. To learn more, call (03) 9842 6675.


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We’re here to help you

We welcome you to get in touch with us to learn more about our holistic dental practice and how we can help you care for your smile. Send us an enquiry online, or call us directly to schedule your first appointment with our holistic dentists in Donvale.